I was very excited to try out and be able to laser at home. The system comes in a white carrying case, with a charger and a skin sensor. Because Tria is a high-tech device, there’s an important instructions packet and FAQ included. These are both definite reads to know exactly how to use the system safely and correctly, so I made sure to read them both carefully.
TRIA Hair Removal Laser. Half price with Easy Pay - $195 today!
Safety First
After charging the system, you have to activate it. Either by calling 1-877-321-TRIA or by doing so on-line (only once) to ensure you can safely use it. Otherwise Tria will not turn on.First, I had to make sure my skin was light enough. You place the skin sensor on your skin and then turn it on- if it turns green you’re within the right skin tone. If it turns red, your skin is too dark and you can’t use it. For good reason, dark skin tones can't use Tria with possibly of getting burned, scarred or blistered. I was sure my skin was well within the skin tone range, and the light did turn green.
Your skin tone is so important that the green sensor is placed on the panel on the front of the Tria to unlock it for use. Although this system is definitely not a toy, it made a special beep when it unlocked. I felt special access with a ‘key’, like on Star Trek.
A patch test is recommended 24 hours before using, to see if you have any adverse reactions. I tested it on my bikini line, and didn’t have any reactions that day or the following.
Using Tria Laser Hair Removal System
I decided to try it on my bikini line, and shaved the area before using as per the instructions. You can’t wax or use any other method that pulls out the hair follicle six weeks before using Tria, because the laser needs some hair underneath the skin to target.You place the system on your skin and it will ‘beep’, keep holding it there with complete contact with the skin, and then it will ‘beep’ again- letting you know that section is completed. If what should be the second ‘beep’ is a 'buzz', then the laser wasn’t completed on that section of skin, and you have to re-do it. You then can work your way through the area moving horizontally (right or left) by overlapping what you just 'zapped' by ¼”. Once you finish horizontally, then you do the same vertically (up and down) so you are less likely to have missed a spot. If you cover the area thoroughly, the company says you will have about 50 beeps per 1 square inch of skin.
It doesn’t take an exhausting amount of time, I did my bikini area in about a half hour or so. But if you’re impatient and are not holding the Tria down all the way down on the skin and getting 'buzzes' instead of 'beeps', then it will take you a lot longer than necessary. A large area like your legs could be pretty time consuming.
Did It Hurt?
I never had professional laser hair removal, so I didn’t know quite what to expect from Tria as far as pain. The bikini area is a bit more sensitive than other parts of the body. I want the best results, so I used the highest setting (Tria has 3 settings) and the one more likely to feel the burn. It felt like a small snap, and a bit of heat- but not what I would call pain. However, when I got to the last inch deep into my bikini line, I did turn the setting down one level because it hurt a little.Does Tria Hair Removal System Work?
After two weeks when first using the system on my bikini line some of the hairs started to come out, and continued to come out for the next week. Some hairs on their own, others with the help of sugar scrub. It was like you could tell the hairs that were going to fall out because they were shorter than the rest. I’m going to continue to use the system every 3 weeks for a total of 6 - 8 times. The real test is going to be how long the hair stays away, or the thickness of the hair if it does grow back in, so I’ll keep you updated.What Are the Results?
I’ve done three treatments to my bikini line using the Tria, and have to say I’m very impressed so far. Giving an eyeball estimate, I would say there has been about a 70% reduction in hair where I used the highest setting (Tria has three settings). Mostly all hairs making up that 70% hair reduction aren't growing in, very few within that same group have grown back so fine and light that you can't see them, but can feel them a bit when touching the skin.Where the medium setting was used deeper in my bikini line, I would say the hair reduction is more like 55% - 60%. A lower percentage was expected because the second setting gives off less heat to destroy the hair follicle. I never used the lowest setting anywhere in my bikini line.
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